Cranberry Jelly

An easy jelly to start making jelly. Only 3 ingredients and since cranberries have lots of pectin it sets well.
A jelly differs from a jam because it has no whole fruit, just the juice of the fruit. Serve with meat as a condiment or add to sandwiches or toast

Cranberry Jelly
A fun and easy jelly recipe
- 1 kg Frozen cranberries
- 2 lemons, juice of
- 1 kg sugar
- Wash the fruit well, and place in a large pot, add the lemon juce and cover the fruit with water and bring to the boil.
- Boil the fruit until softened and the berries pop open. Smash the berries up with a wooden spoon. Allow to cool slightly.
- Set up a sieve lined with cheesecloth or muslin, over a large bowl. Pour the fruit into the muslin and leave to drip through overnight. Do not squeeze as this will make your jelly cloudy.
- Remove the muslin and discard the fruit. Place the strained juice into a large pot and add the sugar, place over a medium heat. Stir continuously until the sugar has dissolved and then increase the temperature to a full rolling boil.
- Boil until the jelly reaches wrinkle stage (20 - 30 minutes). While the jelly is boiling sterilize the jars.
- Place clean dry jars in the oven at 120℃ for 30 minutes. Place the lids in a pot of water and boil for 5 minutes.
- The Wrinkle Test: place a drop of the jelly on a cold saucer and allow to cool for a couple of minutes. Push your finger through the jelly drop and if the surface wrinkles the jam has reached setting point. For a firmer set boil for a further 5 minutes.
- Pour the jam into the warm bottles and seal immediately to create a seal.
- Label and store for a year (or more) in the cupboard.